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Friday 30 December 2016

The difference between Privacy and Secrecy in marriage and it's effect. By NHN COUTURE

The Fashion mogul and writer shared this on her social media page today. This is a topic some people see as normal especially the Secrecy. Imagine a husband or a wife setting a password for his or her phone. Please what's in the phone? Some men can't even pick calls in the presence of their families. You tell your husband you are going to church and of you go somewhere else. The Bible says when the foundation is destroyed what can the righteous do. Please what has happened to the Trust built during the formation of the marriage?

"We hear it continually… “My husband says he needs his privacy” … “My wife tells me that she should be allowed to have some things that are private, away from me.” And to that we say –yes, some privacy can be fine within marriage, but these spouses aren’t talking about privacy, they’re talking about secrecy. That’s a whole different issue. — “PRIVACY is something you ‘give’ someone out of respect. SECRECY is something you ‘withhold’ from one another.” — “PRIVACY is when you want to go to the bathroom or pick your nose without your spouse looking –or try to buy them a gift without them knowing. SECRECY is when you feel guilty about something that you can’t tell your spouse.” — “PRIVACY in marriage is your own personal space. In this, there is trust and respect. The other partner is aware of this space & respects it without intrusion. We all need a little private time to ourselves; otherwise we’d go nuts! SECRECY is destructive in marriage –it’s a lack of trust & respect. This is something the other partner is unaware of, & in essence, it’s a lie. — PRIVACY is having some quality time or spiritual time alone. SECRECY in a marriage can be a form of deceit.” — “PRIVACY is the withholding of info concerning yourself, the disclosure of which would be of no benefit to the partner, & which you don’t wish to share. SECRECY, on the other hand, is the withholding of info that may have an effect on the well being of the partner. This effect may be financial, spiritual, physical, or mental. PRIVACY is acceptable. SECRECY is not.” There IS a difference between giving each other some space & grace in marriage, & withholding info that affects your partner, because whatever affects your partner SHOULD affect you. That’s how God designed marriage to be –“one for all & all for one” –cleaving together “as one.” Secret cell phones, usernames & passwords, not telling your spouse about meeting together or chatting with someone he/she would feel is imposing upon your relationship are just a few of the “secrets” that you should never participate in. Secrets are for single people –not for spouses."