"❤️As a single lady or gentleman looking forward to getting married, never see preparing yourself for marriage as a burden or unnecessary. Even if your potential spouse is not yet physically there, still keep preparing yourself. Marriage is one institution that you can never be over prepared for. In fact, preparation gives you an advantage. Everything you know and understand about it, will help you in some kind of way when you get in❤️️Work on consciously pruning away the foxes such as anger, selfishness, impatience, lack of honesty, a sharp tongue, etc. Such things can be the downfall of any home. Don't accept them as part of you. Many married people are going through unnecessary unrest simply because they either didn't prepare well or they have refused to take responsibility in the marriage❤️️Be of good cheer! God is still working behind the scenes on your behalf. But there is no point waiting for or looking for a spouse when you are not even ready to be one. Use every opportunity with those around you, as preparation for that amazing journey ahead of you. IF it is your desire to get married and you want the best of experience, keep doing what you must, to make yourself "husband-able" or "wife-able" 😄so you can have rest" - Kemi Oyedepo @theoyedepojnrs #marriage #light #wisdom #cpyf #preparingformarriage"
Very well said. For those looking for Mr right and Miss right. My question is are you also right?