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Wednesday 11 January 2017

What is Marital Faithfulness?

By NHN Couture.

"Marital faithfulness involves more than just sexual fidelity. Being faithful to your wife also means defending her and affirming her beauty, intelligence, and integrity at all times, particularly before other people. Faithfulness to your husband means sticking up for him, always building him up and never tearing him down. Marital fidelity means that your spouse’s health, happiness, security, and welfare take a higher place in your life than anything else except your own relationship with the Lord."

For me Marital Faithfulness is when you are  watching telemundo and husband comes knocking for a favour and you get up immediately to do the favour. It is also when husband is seeing ManU against Chelsea match and the wife asks for  help with their baby's need in the middle of the match the man gets up immediately to render such help. LOL. Marital Faithfulness is when you are present at your daughter's class presentation rather than be somewhere else not important.  It really goes beyond having an extra marital affair. That phone, that friend, that your sister or your brother, those your colleagues you hang out with after work at the expense of the quality time you should spend with your family. Its all part of being unfaithful. 

What's your own definition? Give us your own definition of Marital Faithfulness in the comment section.