The whole world will miss him though.
Here is what Bishop T. D Jakes had to say.
"Many years ago I stood with my father and watched Dr King deliver his famous "I have a dream" speech.
I never realized that I would grow up to see our nation's first African American president! My father never knew that his son would be asked eight years ago to have the extreme honor to deliver the sermon of his inauguration.
Since then we have laughed, debated tough issues, and prayed together on multiple occasions.
Tonight as I listened at his farewell speech, I had to express with pride and respect my appreciation for all I know he endured. He has carried himself with a dignity and resolve that defies duplication! As we come to the close of an era, I want to say thank you Mr. President for taking on an often thankless job.
You modeled fatherhood, mastered the art of a husband, and lead us through eight years of unbelievable turbulence! We are grateful for your service to our country, to our people, and to this generation!
God bless you and God's speed! My prayers go with you! #obamafarewell #farewellpresidentobama @barackobama"