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Monday 9 January 2017

Steve Harris - From a school drop out to a sought-after Coach

"Not many people in the world today can boast of dropping out of university, and then going on to becoming successful in their field of endeavour, but here is a man who did not just drop of out of the university once, but twice.
That was not a deterrent to him, as he is now leading a successful life as a Management Consultant, and a Life Strategist.
Because his grades were not up to par he was “advised to withdraw” from the University of Benin in 2004.
He enrolled in Madonna University that same year, but left after 7 months because of the embarrassment. Wrong move you may say…. yes it was. Steve even agrees.
Steve came back home and was depending on handouts from his younger sister who was now working in one of the airlines in Nigeria. One day, the sister got fed and told him there was no more money for him.
He began working in Fela Durotoye’s firm, learning all he could, until his opportunity came; Durotoye had a training engagement in one of the banks, but he hadn’t completed the training with another company. He called a couple of associates but they were busy and could not make it for the training scheduled to start in less than 24 hours.
After much deliberation, Steve stood up and said he could do it. He had been taking notes from Durotoye’s sessions and practicing with his mirror for months. Here’s the opportunity, and he had to step up to the plate.
After a fountain of fear and a wind of pep talks, Steve was prepped to take on the role of training new recruits (graduates) of a bank. He went on to deliver an excellent speech and was greeted with a clap and a standing ovation. That was the end of being an office assistant. This was in 2006.
Today, Steve is the author of two books; “From College Dropout to Corporate Sellout”, and “From Friend to Fiancee”. He’s a highly sought after motivational speaker and turn-around expert who guarantees high performance for individuals and organisations in 90 days or less"